Undernutrition in Sports - An Underestimated Risk: Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S)
Physical performance is a cornerstone of success in sports. But what happens when nutrition can't keep up with the high demands of training? What if athletes, out of fear of gaining weight, avoiding carbs, or subconsciously, just don't eat enough?
Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Shoulder impingement syndrome, also known as subacromial impingement, is a painful shoulder condition marked by restricted movement and inflammation.
Motivation in Action: Setting Goals and Staying Focused
Motivation is always a process that initiates behavior. An action is activated or intensified and is goal-oriented.
Mobility: The Foundation of Athletic Ability
Mobility is one of the motor skills. Often, the terms flexibility and joint mobility are used synonymously with "mobility," which is not entirely correct, as both together make up mobility.