We regularly offer workshops to give our members the opportunity to dive deeper into specific topics. Non-members are also welcome to join.
We cover the following topics among others:
- Gymnastics
- Weightlifting
- Track&Field
- Mobility
We regularly invite experts whose workshops our members can attend at discounted rates.
These are our current workshops:
Sun, March 3, 2:00- 3:30 PM: Pull-up (Beginner & Intermediate)
Sun, March 16, 10:30 am –12:00 pm: Handstand (Beginner & Intermediate)
Sun, March 30, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm: Handstand (Beginner & Intermediate)
Sun, March, 30 "meal timing" - infos tba.
How to participate:
- Send us your registration using the contact form or
- register directly in RESAWOD.
Community Events
Community is an essential aspect of CrossFit - because sweating together is simply better. We regularly offer our members free events - even outside our hallowed halls (for example, at the water ski facility in Langenfeld).
Here you can find updates about community events:
- CrossFit Open - Friday Night Lights every Friday from 4 PM: February 28, March 7, March 13.
- Try Out Marathon Relay Rheinwiese: March 15, 2025
- Marathon Relay - Düsseldorf Marathon April 27, 2025